Monday, November 11, 2019

Learning & Development - Organization

The people with a high level of knowledge, skills, and abilities are more important to the organization. This is essential to that any stages taken to satisfy this need are organizational in the sense that they are based on an understanding of the strategic imperative of the organization and support the achievements related to the organizational goals. Except that the personal needs of those they employ for development and growth are need to take account by the organizations.

Learning and Development defined
Harrison (2009: 8) defined learning and development more broadly as “ The primary purpose of learning and development as an organizational process is to aid collective progress through the collaborative, expert and ethical stimulation and facilitation of learning and knowledge that support business goals, develop individual potential, and respect and build on diversity.”

The constituents of learning and development are follows
A person acquires and develops knowledge, skills, capabilities, behaviors, and attitudes.

Modification of behavior through experience.

Formal methods of people to learn within or outside the workplace.
The growth or realization of a person’s ability and potential through the provision of learning and educational experience.
The systematic application of formal the process to impart knowledge.

Help people to obtain the skills necessary for them to achieve their jobs satisfactorily.
The development of the knowledge and value.

Understanding required in all aspects of life rather than the knowledge and skills relating to particular areas activities.
Table 1 – The constituents of learning and development

Figure 1 Components of a learning and development

Learning is what individuals do and training is what organizations do to individuals. Also learning should be eminent from training. ‘Learning is the process by which person constructs new knowledge, skills, and capabilities, whereas training is one of several responses an organization can undertake to promote learning’ (Reynolds et al,2002: 9).

Strategic Learning & Development
To helping people to learn and develop that be situated concerned with how the organization’s goals will be achieved through its human resource by means of combined learning and development strategies, policies and practices is the approach called strategic Learning and development. This approach aimed to produce an intelligible and inclusive framework for developing people through the creation of a learning culture and the formulation of organizational and individual learning strategies.

Armstrong, M. (2012) Armstrong’s Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice, 12th edition
Harrison, R (2009) learning and development, 5thedn, London, CIPD