Thursday, January 9, 2020

Employee well being

Importance of concern of Employee wellbeing
Employers have a duty, which means using a socially responsible approach to tracking people.
Employers are responsible for creating favorable working conditions, not only because it is their responsibility, but also because they are part of the general remuneration system. Provide the organization and help establish it as “the best place to work”
The work environment
The work environment consists of the system of work, the design of jobs, working condition and the ways in which people are treated at work by their manager and co-workers. Wellbeing is achieved when the account is taken in designing the work system and the jobs in it of the needs of the people concerned. Managerial behavior, archiving work Life balance and dealing with issues like stress, harassment and bullying are the way of employee treated.  
Managerial Behavior
Lawler (2003) suggests that what managers have to do is ‘Treat people right’. This means recognizing and encouraging them as people with different needs and desires, as well as helping them develop and treat themselves with human attention.
Work-Life balance
The term As Kodz et al (2002) explains, the principle of work-life balance is that: ‘There should be a balance between an individual’s work and their life outside work, and that this balance should be healthy’. Flexible work is the most practical solution for establishing an effective balance between work and personal life. This includes flexible time, homework, part-time jobs, and weeks of hard work, yearly hours, collaboration, and part-time jobs.  
Sexual Harassment
This is important for making decisive attempts to minimize it through policy statements supported by specific procedures for filing a complaint for assistance.
People who think they have been bullied should have the right to discuss the problem with someone in the human resources department or coach or consultant. A policy should be published that bullying is unacceptable behavior.
The overall health and well-being of employees is more than the medical health of people. It also includes their mental state, work environment, the balance between work and personal life. It is important for employers to improve employee health and well-being and to make them happy and motivated at work. After all, when an employee is happy, he is much more productive, efficient, and busy.

Armstrong, M. (2012) Armstrong’s Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice, 12th edition
Kodz, J, Harper, H and Dench, S (2002) Work-life Balance: Beyond the rhetoric, Report 384, Brighton, Institute for Employment Studies
Lawler E E (2003) Treat People Right! How organizations and individuals can propel each other into a virtuous spiral of success, San Francisco, CA, Jossey-Bass


  1. We wanted to make sure you were in-the-know when it comes to your employees’ mental, financial, physical and emotional well-being. Who better to tell you why employee well-being is so important than leaders in the industry.

  2. Employers wellbeing is key issue that companies are striving to address to ensure that their employees remain happy and motivated at work.good article .

  3. Employee wellbeing is something that would appear more and more important when an organization is trying to flourish. The leadership has have this concern before the unions challenge the leadership in this regard.

  4. Employee well-being is important for employers to improve employees health and make them happy and motivated at their work place. This will help to increase the performance of the employees and to do the work effectively.
