Saturday, January 4, 2020

The Theories of engagement

Participation occurs when people commit to their work and organization and are motivated to achieve higher levels of productivity. It has two interesting aspects:
0      1)  Involvement in the work, when employees make diligent efforts, they find their work interesting, complex and useful.
0      2)  Organizational Participation identify the value and purpose of the organization and consider it the best place to work and continue working.

Components of engagement
The institute for Employment studies has modeled the components of engagement as shown below.

·         Commitment - the relative strength of the individual’s identification with, and involvement in, an organization.
·         Organizational citizenship behavior – as define by Organ (1988), is employee behavior that goes above and beyond the call of the duty and contributes to organizational effectiveness. It is discretionary and not explicitly recognized by the employing organization’s formal reward system.
·         Motivation – the force that energizes, directs and sustains behavior. It can be
behavior is afforded by affected by factors that may arise from the work itself and are self-generated
Which occurs when things are done to or for people to motivate them
                Table 1 – Motivation

The motivation element in engagement is intrinsic. As Macy et al (2009:67) observed “when the work itself is meaningful it is also said to have intrinsic motivation”

Facets of engagement
According to Alfas et al (2010: 5) engagement as having following three core facts:
Intellectual engagement
Affective engagement
Social engagement
Thinking hard about the job an how to do it better
Feeling positive about doing a good job
Actively taking opportunities to discuss work-related improvements with others at work
Table 2- Facts of Facets of engagement

Balain and sparrow (2010: 183) considered that engagement should be seen as a ‘belief’ and not an attitude, ie it is largely a cognitive construct (intellectual engagement) rather than an affective or behavioral one. They suggested that engagement will have effective and behavioral outcomes but it is necessary to separate the cause from the effect.

Discretionary behavior
 As described by Purcell et al (2003), discretionary behavior refers to the choices that people at work often have about the way they do the job and the amount of effort, care innovation and productive behavior they display. It can be positive when people ‘go the extra mile’ to achieve high levels of performance.

Employee the theory is affirmed simply as common sense. In theory, the leaders of the organization should ensure that all personnel are fully involved and have completely changed their jobs.

Armstrong, M. (2012) Armstrong’s Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice, 12th edition
Armstrong,M.Brown,D and Reilly,P(2010) Evidence-based reward management, London, Kogan Page
Balain, S and Sparrow, P (2010) understanding the value of engagement


  1. Satisfaction just doesn't set the bar high enough. Others will say, oh, what it's really about is happiness. We're trying to create happy workers, a happy workplace. I'm not against happiness. I hope everybody is happy, but just because you're happy doesn't mean you're working on behalf of the organization.

    1. Nicely said Sameera. In the public sector employees are usually happy. And we know what is happening.

  2. As you have mentioned above extrinsic factors can motivate people and engage them in work. Giving monetery rewards,promotions will rise up people surely. But its for a certain extent. According to my point of view its better to encourage people intrinsically rather than this. Nice article

  3. Hi Maduka
    You have bought good and more theoretical knowledge to employee engagement, its good that you have explained about facets of HRM which is very interesting to learn, you should include your experiences par with the theoretical knowledge, both intrinsic and extrinsic factors shall enhance the employee engagement, one factor shall not motivate to engage in long term, so its a challenge for leaders to take initiatives in creating an excellent working environment to enhance engagement, Leaders should understand the value of engagement and my personnel recommendation is it should start from the recruitments because passion for a particular job is very important for engagement, Good Article. Best Wishes

  4. Basic theory about the organizational engagement cannot be applied universally. The essence of the matter has to be investigated for your industry. When things are implemented evidenced based it is going to be scientific.

  5. Employee engagement is very important aspect for an organizational development. It can be done in several ways for the management to influence the employees towerds the organizational performance.
